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alright, it's time we clued the rest of you in on what langle is, here's a bit of an explanation. so lets say you're playing 2's and you're about to hit. what is your partner supposed to do? he's supposed to tell you where to hit the ball: line or angle. well... if he's starts to tell you line, but then changes his mind to angle - then you get llllllangle...

so why is the site called the langle angle? well, my friends and i travel to as many avp (association of volleyball professionals) tournaments as we can afford each year. we take a lot of pictures when we go so we can remember how great of a time we had... i guess the langle angle is our perspective of the whole avp experience - it's all about the avp from the view of the fans (and i'm talking about the real face-first-sand-eating-groupie fans)!!...

so now that you understand the name - go take a look at the pics...

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